Start OR Grow a Business or Community Project

Join the FREE TO-LEAP Enterprise Program to GET STARTED on your business or community project. Get training to build your idea, help from mentors childminding and translation support get your idea moving.

Access grant funding to boost your business or community project and make a positive change in your community.

Illustration by Storyset

Two FREE programs to join 

Program A (Starter)

The Lead program - Program A is a level 1 stage course for those who are just getting started with an idea for a community project or starting a business.

You’ll get access to a pool of $50,000 in funding when you finish Program A to give your idea a boost.

TO-LEAP Program A - Lead starts in May 2024. Please apply below

Program B (Growth)

The Enterprise Growth / Business program - Program B is a level 2 stage course is for those with existing businesses or community projects, and who want to further develop it.

Get access to a pool of funding when you finish Program B to grow further.

Applications for the TO-LEAP Program B are now closed until 2025

Join the A Starter Program

Connect, build skills and shape the future of your community, while exploring new career pathways.

  • Join this FREE 18 week program starting in May 2024

  • Come to weekly training workshops

  • Get mentoring support and guidance

  • Access grant funding for your idea

  • Access to childminding support

  • Translation support provided. You will need to read and write in English but may need some language support

  • Only 16 spots available in the Program

  • Apply now via the Expression of interest form

  • And attend an information session to get started

  • Applications close on the 20th April

Register your interest. Fill in the form below


How much will the program cost?

This program is FREE and is kindly funded by the Victorian State Government

Who is this program for?

Anyone can apply to be part of this program. However we will prioritise participation from certain groups such as those who live in the Flemington and North Melbourne housing estates and those who are unemployed.

Additionally, the business and community projects explored as part of this program must show how it benefits the community. Please refer to the Paving The Way Forward (PTWF) local action plans to identify areas of priority for the community.

How much funding can I ask for will I get?

The amount of money you receive will depend on the budget you put together for your business or community project over 3months, 6 months or 1 year.

You will let the other participants in the TO-LEAP program how much you are asking for and how you will use the money.

How long does the TO-LEAP Program run for?

The TO-LEAP Program A will run for 18 weeks. You will need you to commit to attending workshops for all the weeks and the graduation event.

The program consists of weekly 3 hour workshops, optional tutorial sessions and mentoring catch ups in between workshop dates

Our Partners

The TO-LEAP Program is funded by the Victorian State Government and the City of Melbourne. It is delivered by the social enterprise Two Square Pegs in partnership with the Inner West Community Foundation.