Let’s Talk! (Amrakotha Boli)

Empowering mature-age South Asian migrant women in Australia through creative and supportive workshops. This initiative addresses challenges like loneliness, homesickness, and identity crises by creating a space to connect, share, and grow. Activities include crafts (crochet, jewelry, henna), dance, music, and clothes swaps. Guest speakers cover vital topics such as financial independence, family violence, and finding a voice to promote empowerment and independence. Our aim is to build a happy, healthy, and connected community where women feel valued and purposeful.

How You Can Help:

• Join: Participate if you’re a mature-age South Asian migrant woman

• Share: Volunteer your expertise as a guest speaker

• Support: Fund the program to ensure its sustainability and reach

Let’s address social isolation, empower women, and foster thriving communities together!

Phone: 0431129796

Email: jafrinv@gmail.com


Boys to Men Mentoring and Coaching Program